These memories are definitely one, worth to be kept.
I'll never forget all the good and bad times we've had.
Love each and every single one of you'll.
Seriously gonna miss you'll.
Thanks for everything, really.
You'll never be replaced, promise.
Bea; SHAKEIT! - Primary school til today. All the smiles, all the laughters.
You've been a great part of my life, really. Thanks for all the joy you have
brought into my life. Will never ever forget you shakeit. I love you so damn
Nora; PARTNER! - You've been such a GREAT partner, its just awesome. Missed
sitting next to you. Thanks for being here. I'm grateful. Really am.
Belle; PRESTY! - An AWESOME PRESTY, thats all I can say. Always there, listening
to my problems as well as giving me advices. Really am gonnna miss you. All the shit
we got into, together. The lion dance beginning of this year, as well as danceamania
last year. You're just been AWESOME, presty. AWESOME!
Donn - My first partner in 3/6. What can I say? We got into a lot of shit YES. But it was really fun! How we used to make so much noise, laugh at Mr Chan, make fun of him all. "eeeee... he's so gay" all. Hahah. That just brings back so much of memories doesn't it? Going home together all. Rahhs. Will miss you DONN.
Shayna - I'm really sorry. DOTT one day again I hope?
Evan - Primary school days itself, just brings back so many memories. You just never fail to make me laugh. Blur all. Haha. You've been a great friend.
Jasper - Thanks for everything! Just got to know you last year, but it feels like
as if I've known you for such a long time. You've beeen such a good friend. Really.
Vanessa Tng - Its been such a long time since we last spoke on the phone. My primary school best friend all. Been've in the same class for so many years. Remember those silly days in primary school. The sandwich competition where the both of us won, the tortises? Oh my. Just miss you van! Shake shake all. Haha. Thanks. Thanks for being such a great friend.
Tat - Oh my Tat! I really do miss you too. You've not changed a single bit ever since primary school know! Haha. But I guess thats what makes the person in you. Thanks for the warm tight hug during mass. Really brought back lots of memories.
Majo - Oh majo! Just miss you going crazy over those football players!
Jayne - Those days when I was in sec one. When I used to go over your place to do
the website all. Haha.
Cherine - How could I ever forget - The bleep bloop blup? We may have drifted. But the memories, will be kept in my heart.
Lizzy - Liz liz liz! I MISS YOU.
Momo - Hardly see you in school BUT. Just want you to know that I miss you Momo.
The rest - Sorry if I left you out. But. Just want you'll to know.
You'll never be forgotten. I definitely do miss those days.
Its just something I never experienced with any other classes before.
Thanks for being such AWESOME classmates and schoolmates.
School would seriously have been a bore w/o every single one of you'll.
I'm serious.
Will keep you'll in my prayers.
Just came back from tuition not long ago.
Really tired.
Eyes, really small and swollen.
Its just sad.
I'm gonna miss them.
And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say "never"
Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends
Was so touched when six`seven got together.
With Sarah, Ping, Caroline and all.
Brought back many memories.
Especially of last years adventure camp.
My, it hurt.
Real bad.
Growing up with them.
Some, ever since pri school.
Its just not easy.
Not easy at all.
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